The Muse Scarlett Yvette Royal

The Muse Scarlett Yvette Royal

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

50% Off New Years Sale In Ravelry

50% Off New Year Sale

In my Ravelry Store


It is okay if you missed the 75% off sale you can catch this months sale of 50% off all patterns and ebooks in my ravelry store. If you do not have a ravelry account and would still like to take advantage of the sale contact me and I will work with you to get the sale and the pattern or ebook you would like.  


If you are wanting to know what is available and don't want to go onto ravelry try my website and look at the photo galleries for patterns and ebooks.

Sock Q&A Event This Month!!!

 Also will be holding a live event on Facebook about socks and answering any questions you may have about making socks. It will be held January 18th at 7:30pm eastern time US. Please join me and take away your fear of socks. If you don't already have the book below go an get it for the 50% off it is an encyclopedia of info for loom knitting socks and any skill level. 



  1. Do you have or would you create a pattern for a raccoon? I have a friend that taught me to loom knit and she loves raccoons.

  2. A pattern for a raccoon would be great! I could combine other patterns, but you are well versed in creating patterns for animals. I love your patterns and have made several of them. Please advise what to do.

    1. I do have a pattern for a raccoon in my 50 loom knitted stuffed animal book. It is half off so it is $15 and you get a ton of info and 49 other patterns.

  3. aylsworth0680 at need info on a mannequin head you use please
