Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to make homemade cosmetics

How to make homemade deodorant

Supply List:
Baking Soda
Coconut Oil (Or Good Skin Oil)
Essential Oil (Perfume Oils to be exact)
Small Bowl
Small Cosmetic Storage Container

1/4 cup of baking soda
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Oil (adjust as needed for thickness and texture desired)
10 Drops of Essential Oils
Put in small bowl and use spoon to mix into paste or cream consistency, once achieved put into storage container and your done!!! Lasts anywhere from 3-6 months depending on amount of use.

How to Make Summer Soap

Supply List:
3 Cups of Lard
2 Cups of Shea Butter
1 1/12 Cups of Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup of Olive Oil

1 Cup of Lye
1 Cup of Cold Water
1 Cup of Goats Milk
1 Cup of Jewel Weed Tea

30 Drops Allspice, Clove,  Patchouli
20 Drops Lemon Eucalyptus, Citronella, Lemongrass
15 Drops Tea Tree. Sandalwood, Clary Sage

Follow instructions in video above.

To process your lard, put lard in large pot with water, bring to a boil 10 minutes, let cool, then scoop off solid lard into a storage container.

To make jewel weed tea, go out and cut up a jewel weed plant into a large pot add water and boil for 10 minutes. Let cool and strain out the plant.

This is what Jewel Weed looks like

 This is what your soap should look like color wise when it is removed from the molds.

For extra scent on your soap you can cook citrus rinds in a pot for an hour in your lard to get extra natural scent.

How to Make Fall Soap

Very popular for spicy 5 spice scent!!!

Use same fat and lye ingredients as Summer Soap

Essential Oils

20 Drops Anise, Cinnamon
15 Drops Allspice
13 Drops Clove
11 Drops Ginger

Repeat process just like summer soap just using different essential oils. Also note for extra scent you can cook your lard with some cinnamon sticks, star anise, fresh ginger root, and cloves if you have them, for about an hour.

How to Make Winter Soap

Nice cool mint smell, feels fresh!!!

Use same fat and lye ingredients as Summer Soap

Essential Oils

30 Drops of Wintergreen
10 Drops of  Anise, Spearmint, Peppermint, and Ylang Ylang
5 Drops of Cinnamon with Cassia mix

Repeat process just like summer soap just using different essential oils. Also note for extra scent you can cook your lard with some pine needles, mint leaves, star anise, and cinnamon sticks for an hour.

Also if you would like to try Almond or Avacado oil in place of Olive it will still turn out the same. If you do not have shea butter try replacing with coconut oil or lard.

Quick Mix Vapor Rub

If you have ever been in a situation where you need a vapor rub in the middle of the night and no stores are open and there is no one to go get any, there is an alternative. I would suggest keeping these essential oils in your home for this very purpose. This is fast to make in minutes.

1 1/2 Tablespoon of coconut oil
1 Drop of Peppermint, Camphor, Clove, Cinnamon with Cassia
2 Drops of Menthol

Mix together in small cup rub on chest, and put in vaporizer for relief. It works I have used this on my child. It opens up for breathing in a quick hurry.

Note: I am not a physician, so please consult your doctor about this essential oil mix before using. 

I am all about natural chemical free cosmetics, I only use my own soap and deodorant. These soaps you can use to wash your hair. Great thing is all these recipes you know what is in them, and you can read the ingredients without struggle.

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